About The Energy Council

About the Energy Council

What We Do


Engage In Regulatory Deliberations


Advocacy for Industry




Outreach and Education


Promote Responsible Operations


Community Engagement


Support Operators and Landowners


Unify San Juan Basin Interests

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Years Established

Members +


  1. Representatives of Energy Council member companies will take time to listen to landowners and other stakeholders and respond appropriately.
  2. While on duty, industry personnel must:
      • Respect property and rights of way;
      • Protect livestock and wildlife;
      • Drive safely;
      • Report without delay damage to public or private property whether or not they are responsible;
      • Routinely inspect production systems and assure mechanical integrity;
      • Ensure field personnel understand the rules and regulations that apply to our operations.
  3. The Energy Council and its member companies believe open communication with the landowner and other stakeholders are a vital element of our good neighbor policy. Our communications efforts will include:
      • Notifying landowners before the start of any significant work activity on their property and making reasonable attempts to notify and accommodate neighbors of significant work that may impact their land or the immediate area;
      • Informing the landowner, lessee, resident and other interested parties of the reasonable use rights of mineral property and surface property owners. We will use a variety of communication channels, including seminars, publications, direct mail and the news media;
      • Designating a company contact person and assigning that person the responsibility for responding to public inquiries, questions and complaints;
      • Continuously improving our understanding of the concerns regarding our industry of landowners, neighbors and the community.
  4. Energy Council members will respect property rights at all times. We will:
      • Minimize surface disturbances as much as possible;
      • Reclaim and restore ground areas disturbed by our activities as required by law and according to best management practices;
      • Protect livestock from injury;
      • Practice good housekeeping at all times;
      • Drive safely and responsibly on public and private roads.
  5. We will maintain the trust of the community and protect public safety by:
      • Establishing a comprehensive company emergency preparedness plan and share that plan with local emergency response agencies;
      • Conducting regular internal drills to test our preparedness;
      • Participating with local emergency responders in regional exercises;
      • Constructing and maintaining fences, gates and other site protections where needed;
      • Ensuring required signs, notices and warnings are visible and up to date.
  6. We recognize the serviceable roads that are vital to ongoing operations are also used by our neighbors. We will promote the responsible use and reasonable maintenance of roads and other means of access whenever possible. Our personnel will:
      • Drive only on roads or established rights-of-way;
      • Observe speed limits on public roads and highways;
      • Not drive too fast for conditions;
      • Promptly report damage to roads and rights-of-way, even if such damage was not caused by our activities;
      • Provide a gravel and cobble road base that will reduce mud impacts and improve roads in general;
      • When safe and practical, remove mud from vehicles before entering paved roads.
  7. As energy producers we must protect the environment. We will:
      • Comply with environmental laws and regulations that apply to our industry;
      • Properly maintain equipment and assure system integrity;
      • Apply best management practices to all aspects of our business, but especially those with potential environmental impact;
      • Assure our personnel are qualified and can address neighbor concerns regarding:

Contact Us

P.O. Box 3833 | Durango, CO 81302